The Critical Role that Community Plays in Our Growth and Why It's Important to Know.

 Today Facebook reminded me of a blog I wrote a year ago when the pandemic had just made its way in our lives making us isolated from everyone and everything. During that time the major concern for all of us was not getting to meet our loved ones, friends, and family. Humans are social animals and it is pivotal for us to meet and communicate with each other rather than being isolated. If we avoid people at all costs eventually we will delve into negative thoughts through which everyone and everything will be in a bad light to us. 

So here it is as I felt the need to share it again amidst this pandemic...

In June, I did this small social activity asking people of different age groups, backgrounds, occupations of what do they think about growing with the community. So, this is what growing with the community means to me.

A community plays one of the major roles in ones’ upbringing. It teaches us the culture, customs, values, traditions, and much more. It not only involves people around us but also the things or places we look around. It creates a major impact on human psychology. We learn to adapt new things as we gradually associate ourselves in nature and its surroundings. Living and growing with the community is one of the necessities of human development and it cannot be avoided at any cost.

Living and growing within a community is one of the prerequisite requirements of an individual. Being a part of a community gives us a sense of something preeminent than ourselves. It makes us who we are and brings out the best in us that we usually do not acknowledge.

Everything has its own pros and cons but I believe if we take the cons as our strength and try to polish ourselves with all the positivity we can shine brighter than the stars. Usually, we face negative judgements around us that creates a psychological impact on ourselves. In modern times where technology is on its verge, where we all get connected and separated, where we all make negative judgements even after being a third party, we should take a step towards positivity to improve ourselves and create a stronger bond with our local community which has a greater reaction on human psyche.

Community can be classified into natural and societal communities. Natural community has its own benefits especially in terms of health and fitness. Fresh air, direct interaction with the environment, a peculiar relation with plants and many more help in the brain development and growth giving our mind positive nourishment and peace which cannot be achieved by artificial means. Whereas societal communities can be sometimes a source of pressure and tension that causes sublime effect on human psyche but thinking on the good side these pressures and tension can be withheld and absorbed while we can improve ourselves and create a better environment. Societal pressures are not good but to coercively stop the society is improbable. Instead, we should be dauntless and resilient keeping in mind to not lose respect. No matter what circumstances, we should always remember to not contempt and always have respect for everyone.

We always need to make progress for our perfection. A community plays a major role in making us learn values, morals, ethics and moreover help us develop our character. We all are dependent on each other as a community or as a family to be precise. We all help each other to grow, flourish and nurture.


Dated: 4th August 2020


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  1. Hi! I wanted to tell you that this blog is so beautifully written. I loved reading every word! Thus, it made me believe how crucial it actually is to be living in a community that nurtures you rather than the community that makes you uncomfortable and constricts your growth. Thanks ever so much for writing this!


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