Nostalgic Reflections: Missing the Good Old Days

Nostalgia washes over me as I think back to the past. I genuinely miss those simpler times!

Sundays of Yesteryear

Do you remember those lazy Sundays spent glued to the TV, binge-watching our favorite shows?

The thrill was palpable. We would rush to grab the remote, eager to dive into the day. Life felt so much easier back then. I would sit and finish my drawing assignments while my mother brought dinner into the lounge so we could enjoy the episode together. The best part was that my father was often more excited to watch than we were. And how we would pause for bathroom breaks!

Father's Fix-It Magic

I cherish the memories of my dad’s talent for fixing things. He would dig through his toolbox, searching for that elusive wrench or screwdriver, and somehow manage to make everything right. I can still picture him getting frustrated when he couldn’t find something in his toolbox. His resourcefulness inspired creativity in all of us, encouraging us to get involved in all sorts of projects.

Mother's Culinary Haven

And oh, the delicious treats that came from my mother’s kitchen! The scent of cinnamon and butter would make our stomachs rumble. The floral table linens and our childhood dinner plates are forever etched in my memory. Whether it was those simple kebabs or the lentil rice with pickles, the flavors linger on, a faint echo on my taste buds.

Carefree Childhood

Just think of those carefree evenings! 

Skating on the terrace, hoping for applause from our neighbors. Endless imaginative play: I was the Queen of Narnia, seated on a throne made of plastic chairs, wearing a makeshift crown. Tire swings and days filled with laughter. We had mischievous ball games that often ended up tangled in my mother’s plants, and that legendary flying slipper that caught us all by surprise. The air back then felt purer than it does today, with the evening scent of plants and the setting sun blinding our eyes.

Treasured Memories

These moments, now treasured memories, remind me of life’s simple pleasures. Time keeps moving, and I often wonder: will today’s joys become tomorrow's longings?


As I glance back, I can see how much has changed. Yet in the whirlwind of modern life, I cling to these nostalgic moments. They highlight the beauty of simplicity and the love that connects us.

Share Your Story

What are some of your favorite childhood memories? 

Do you find yourself missing the good old days as well? I’d love to hear your stories in the comments!

Connect with me on Instagram @tehreemumarq
