Governing a Province – A Crazy New Approach

Another of my blog post from a few years ago that was published at:

Posted on Blogger

Every citizen wants a government of their choice, one that takes care of the citizenry and ensures a better environment for the citizens and their offspring to prosper mentally, physically, economically and in peace
Laws are crafted to organize the various aspects of the society and streamline the resolution of conflicts as well as society’s betterment and justice for all.
Pakistan has some laws that were crafted by those who wanted absolute control, and the people subdued.
Pakistan has had a tremendous growth in populations, now while there are benefits in numbers, there are also some challenges in managing for them.
Recently some people have asked for newer provinces to give more control to the local people and a more direct and closer access to government services. Great idea as long as it is done for administrative and practical purposes, for the betterment of the people. There are others who insist on division on ethnic or dialect / linguistic basis.
As Tom Peters would say “Crazy times call for crazy ideas”, here is a crazy idea, sort of out of the box, that may prove to be a win win solution for everyone.
Let me warn the reader, this is just an idea, and if it seems workable, would need lots of expert attention to turn it into a practical implementable and successful reality.
As of today a province is run by a chief minister and his / her cabinet. What would it be like if we were to add a middle layer to this mix and add a secondary team.
Let me further elaborate my hypothesis here. There is the chief minister with the cabinet. Then there are the ministers who are assigned a ministry. Add the following to the mix:
Keep the Province Intact, with its various Divisions, Districts etc.
Club multiple divisions into administrative call it “Sub-Province”
Each “Sub-Province” has their mini cabinet of “deputy chief minister” and all government departments report to “deputy ministers”
All these deputies are part of the central cabinet in the “Province”
So let’s say Province “A” has a CM and 3 deputy CM’s (dcm’s) and each minister has 3 deputy ministers.
This way the governance is effectively semi- De-centralized giving the people more control over their affairs, and at the same time ensuring unity of the Province.
This model may be used at the federal level too. One thing though, every one should be directly elected by the people.
