How any Economy should train it's workforce - Through Synergy of "Industry, Professors and Students"​

Governments over the years especially in Pakistan talk a lot about bringing in change to the education system, creating jobs and it is often seen that their efforts are towards developing or changing the curriculum, however, curriculum change is a never ending story, and while not to be undermined, it should be pursued as a continuous improvement initiative.
To actually make a difference, the ONE change "You" the "Government" can do that will have a positive impact for decades to come is the following:

1. Make it a Law that for ANY post graduate program, esp tech and business, there be a MANDATORY Job Experience. It is absolutely useless to have a back to back Bachelors, and masters, MS / M-phil and even PHD degree without an iota of practical experience.

2. Give Tax Incentives to Industry for employing such graduates into their Training programs and SPONSORING the good talent for higher degrees, and actually having corporate R&D budgets that attract tax breaks.

3. Professors should have industry experience, they and industry need to be encouraged through smart incentives such as points for promotion, raise, tax breaks etc for them associating with industry for practical experience, No offense to professors/ teachers, but it is a fact that many of them spend their lives in isolation for the real world and transfer this to the students.

4. Same goes for industry leader's, they should be encouraged to interact with the academia.

5. In the words of Tom Peters "Change. Change. Chance. We must learn to deal with it, thrive on it. That’s today’s relentless refrain. But it’s incorrect. Astoundingly, we must move beyond change and embrace nothing less than the literal abandonment of the conventions that brought us to this point. Eradicate “Change” from your vocabulary. Substitute “abandonment” or “revolution” instead. – The Tom Peters Seminar – Crazy times call for crazy organizations 1994.

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